Do you also before making a purchase first look at the price then the efficiency/quality of the product before doing the purchasing?
Here we love taking care of our customers and their business. We focus on detail that will bring your company to the forefront in your industry. We will add value to your company by providing you more than a deterrent; we will provide that first impression and customer service that will set your company ahead of your competition. Yes, we will help you become the head and not the tail. We will help you by doing what we do best turn your profit to a great smile.
Let me introduce myself and the services of our organization. My name is Jerome Noël and I am one of a couple of owners of Giozellie Risk Management that specialize in Security Guarding. We are in existence from 2005 and we operate in the Vaal Triangle from the beginning.
We provide Security to all walks of life like Residential, Retail outlets, Shopping Centers, Industrial, Farming and even that small café on the street corner. We do believe that all has the right to affordable Security in this day of age. Against this manifesto our business philosophy is to treat each client as if they’re our only client – that means that in our world there is no such thing as “one size fits all”, rather we recognize that every client has a unique set of challenges that require an individualized approach. Our strength is our ability to assess these unique situations and respond with the appropriate solution based on a combination of our specialist security products and services. We back this up with an extensive support infrastructure which is designed to consistently deliver the highest levels of service.